Cloud vs. On-Premise ERP: Pros and Cons

Written By: Eric Kimberling
Date: November 7, 2023

The debate between cloud and on-premise Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems has been ongoing for years. As businesses strive for more efficiency and agility, the importance of choosing the right ERP system becomes critical. Both cloud-based and on-premise ERPs have their merits and drawbacks, and the best choice depends on a variety of factors including company size, industry, compliance needs, and specific business processes. In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of each to help you make an informed decision.

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Cloud ERP: Pros

When considering the adoption of an ERP system, one of the first decisions you'll need to make is whether to go for a cloud-based solution or an on-premise one. Each option comes with its own set of benefits and challenges, particularly in terms of cost, scalability, accessibility, maintenance, and disaster recovery. 

In the upcoming section, we delve into these critical aspects of cloud ERP systems, shedding light on how they stand out and what potential advantages they can offer to a business looking to modernize its operations.

We’ll begin by discussing the cost-effectiveness of cloud ERP systems, which is often a primary consideration for businesses. The pay-as-you-go nature of cloud services can provide significant financial relief. Next, we’ll explore scalability, a critical feature that ensures your ERP can grow alongside your business without prohibitive additional costs or logistical nightmares. The third point will cover the unparalleled accessibility that cloud ERPs offer, enabling seamless integration into the increasingly mobile and decentralized work environments of today's world.

Following that, we examine the often-overlooked benefits of having a vendor-managed maintenance and upgrade process, which can relieve your internal teams of a significant IT burden. Lastly, we touch on the importance of disaster recovery capabilities inherent in cloud ERP systems, offering peace of mind in an era where data is one of the most valuable commodities. Join us as we dive into each of these elements to help you decide if a cloud ERP system is the right move for your business.

1. Cost-Effectiveness Cloud ERP systems typically operate on a subscription-based model, which means businesses can avoid the large upfront costs associated with on-premise solutions. There is no need to invest in hardware or the infrastructure to support it, which can lead to significant savings.

2. Scalability One of the most significant advantages of cloud ERP systems is scalability. As your business grows, cloud ERP systems can easily scale up to meet increased demand without the need for purchasing additional hardware or investing in new software licenses.

3. Accessibility Cloud ERP systems provide the flexibility to access your system from anywhere with an internet connection. This is particularly beneficial for businesses with remote teams or those that require access to their ERP system across multiple locations.

4. Maintenance and Upgrades Cloud ERP vendors are responsible for maintaining the software, which includes performing regular updates and upgrades. This means that businesses using cloud ERP systems always have access to the latest features without additional costs or downtime associated with maintaining the system.

5. Disaster Recovery Cloud-based systems generally offer robust disaster recovery options. Data is often stored in multiple secure locations, which means that in the event of a disaster, your data is more likely to be recoverable than it might be with an on-premise solution.

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Cloud ERP: Cons

While the shift to cloud-based ERP systems has brought about a revolution in how businesses approach their resource planning and management, it is not without its challenges and considerations. As we peel back the layers of the cloud ERP model, it’s important to recognize that despite the myriad benefits, there are also significant factors that may influence a business's decision to proceed with caution. In the following section, we’ll take a closer look at some of the potential drawbacks and concerns that come with the adoption of a cloud-based ERP system.

We begin by addressing the financial implications of ongoing costs associated with cloud ERPs. The recurring subscription model, often viewed as cost-effective initially, can accumulate expenses that surpass the traditional upfront investment of an on-premise system. Next, we delve into the data security concerns that arise from entrusting sensitive corporate information to third-party cloud services. The anxiety around data breaches and loss is especially palpable among businesses that handle critical data.

Furthermore, we will discuss the issues surrounding the customization of cloud ERPs, a feature that can be restrictive compared to the more flexible, albeit complex, on-premise systems. This is an important consideration for organizations whose operations require highly specialized ERP functionalities. Following that, the essential need for reliable internet connectivity is scrutinized, as this is the lifeline of any cloud-based system. Without it, the accessibility and operational capabilities of a cloud ERP can be severely compromised.

Lastly, we will explore the concern of vendor lock-in, an aspect that can limit a company’s agility and future choices regarding its ERP solution. This predicament often places businesses in a tough spot when considering migration or changes to their ERP strategy. Each of these points presents a crucial angle for evaluating the long-term impact and sustainability of adopting a cloud-based ERP system. 

1. Ongoing Costs While the initial costs are lower, the subscription fees for cloud ERP systems can add up over time, potentially becoming more expensive than the one-time costs of an on-premise system in the long run.

2. Data Security Concerns When data is stored off-site, there is a perceived increase in security risks. Companies must rely on the ERP provider to secure their data, which can be a concern for businesses with highly sensitive information.

3. Limited Customization Cloud ERP systems are often less customizable than on-premise solutions. While they offer configuration options, there may be limitations on the extent to which the system can be tailored to specific business processes.

4. Dependence on Internet Connectivity Access to a cloud ERP is contingent on internet connectivity. If your internet service is unreliable or if you're in a location with poor connectivity, this could significantly hinder your ability to operate effectively.

5. Potential for Vendor Lock-in With cloud ERP, there’s a risk of vendor lock-in, which can make it difficult to switch providers or move to an on-premise solution later due to the proprietary nature of the platforms.

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On-Premise ERP: Pros

In the landscape of ERP solutions, on-premise systems have long stood as the bastion of data control, customization, and self-contained operation. For many businesses, the allure of cloud-based systems is tempered by the need for stringent data control, specialized customization, or simply the desire for a system free from the shackles of recurring costs. As we dive into the world of on-premise ERP, it’s essential to understand the core advantages that keep this traditional model not only relevant but preferred for certain business scenarios.

The upcoming section will focus on the distinct benefits that on-premise ERP systems offer. We start by emphasizing the level of control over data that companies can maintain. In an age where data breaches are commonplace, the ability to keep sensitive information in-house can be invaluable, especially for sectors that are heavily regulated or deal with highly confidential data.

We will also explore the deep customization possibilities inherent in on-premise solutions. Such systems can be finely tuned to align with intricate business workflows, offering a degree of specificity that cloud-based solutions often cannot match. This is particularly crucial for organizations with unique operational processes that are core to their competitive advantage.

1. Control Over Data With on-premise ERP systems, the business maintains full control over its data and infrastructure, which can be critical for companies in industries with strict data security and privacy regulations.

2. Customization On-premise systems typically offer more robust customization options. Businesses can tailor the ERP system to their exact requirements, which is a significant advantage for companies with complex or unique processes.

3. One-Time Investment Though the initial investment is significant, on-premise ERP systems can be more cost-effective over time. Once the system is purchased and installed, there are no ongoing subscription fees.

4. Performance Because on-premise ERP systems are located on-site, they can offer faster performance and response times than cloud-based systems, particularly if the company has a strong internal network.

5. Offline Access An on-premise ERP system is available even when the internet is down, allowing for uninterrupted access to the system, which is essential for some businesses.

On-Premise ERP: Cons

Adopting an on-premise ERP system is a significant decision that involves weighing the benefits against the challenges that come with managing and maintaining such a system internally. While on-premise solutions offer control and customization, they also carry with them several critical considerations that can impact the long-term operational and financial health of an organization. In the forthcoming section, we’ll delve into some of the potential drawbacks that businesses must account for when choosing an on-premise ERP system.

1. High Initial Costs The upfront costs of on-premise ERP systems can be prohibitively high, especially for small to medium-sized businesses. This includes costs for hardware, software, and any modifications or customizations.

2. Maintenance and Upgrades The responsibility for maintaining and upgrading an on-premise ERP system falls on the business. This can result in additional staff costs and system downtime.

3. Scalability Issues Scaling an on-premise system typically requires purchasing additional hardware or software licenses, which can be costly and time-consuming.

4. Physical Vulnerabilities On-premise systems are subject to physical vulnerabilities such as natural disasters, power outages, or hardware failures, which can result in significant data loss or downtime.

5. Resource Intensive On-premise solutions require a dedicated in-house IT team to manage and maintain the system.


In the complex and dynamic realm of ERP solutions, the cloud vs. on-premise debate encapsulates a strategic decision for businesses operating in the digital age. Each option presents a distinct set of advantages and challenges, tailored to different operational models, regulatory environments, and financial considerations. For more information on cloud vs on-premise systems, feel free to check out our Digital Stratosphere podcast episode titled - The Dark Side of Cloud ERP and SaaS Software | Risks of Cloud Systems

Cloud-based ERPs offer scalability, cost-effectiveness, and accessibility, appealing to businesses that value flexibility and are comfortable with third-party data management. On-premise ERPs, on the other hand, afford unparalleled control over data, robust customization, and the avoidance of recurring fees, suiting organizations that have specific needs or operate under stringent data control regulations.

The contrast between the two systems is stark, from the significant upfront investment and maintenance requirements of on-premise solutions to the ongoing subscription costs and internet dependency associated with cloud services. While the cloud model shines with its vendor-managed updates and disaster recovery benefits, the on-premise approach provides a sense of security and performance that some businesses may find indispensable.

Ultimately, the choice between cloud and on-premise ERP is not a one-size-fits-all solution but a strategic decision that should align with the company's long-term goals, operational requirements, and financial capabilities. Organizations must carefully assess their priorities, whether it's the immediate need for innovation and agility that cloud services offer or the comprehensive control and customization that on-premise systems provide.

As businesses continue to evolve and adapt to the ever-changing technological landscape, the ERP system they choose should not only address their current needs but also have the foresight for future scalability and adaptability. Whether through cloud-based flexibility and modernity or on-premise reliability and specificity, the goal remains the same: to harness the power of ERP solutions to streamline processes, increase efficiency, and drive business success.

I would enjoy brainstorming ideas with you if you are looking to strategize for an upcoming transformation or are looking at selecting an ERP system. Please feel free to contact me at I am happy to be a sounding board as you continue your digital transformation journey.

Be sure to download the newly released 2024 Digital Transformation Report to garner additional industry insight and project best practices.

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Eric Kimberling

Eric is known globally as a thought leader in the ERP consulting space. He has helped hundreds of high-profile enterprises worldwide with their technology initiatives, including Nucor Steel, Fisher and Paykel Healthcare, Kodak, Coors, Boeing, and Duke Energy. He has helped manage ERP implementations and reengineer global supply chains across the world.

Eric Kimberling
Eric is known globally as a thought leader in the ERP consulting space. He has helped hundreds of high-profile enterprises worldwide with their technology initiatives, including Nucor Steel, Fisher and Paykel Healthcare, Kodak, Coors, Boeing, and Duke Energy. He has helped manage ERP implementations and reengineer global supply chains across the world.
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