Effectively managing change is hard. It’s harder when the media, movies, and other sources have planted seeds of that change leading to catastrophe. From movies like Terminator and iRobot, we have been predisposed as a society to fear robots and the evolution of technology.
That very fear is what will hold some people back from evolving with the times, and that hesitation is only going to be self-defeating. The truth is that there is so much opportunity on the horizon when it comes to artificial intelligence. The key, as an employer and a leader in adopting these technologies, is to manage change effectively and work to garner the buy-in of the nay-sayers.
This is the root of many peoples’ hesitations. Let’s unravel this question.
No matter your industry or organization type, each job has two categories of tasks: value-added and non-value-added. Value-added tasks are money-making activities that drive revenue either directly or indirectly. Nonvalue-added tasks are, at a high level, busy work. It's the mundane tasks that take up time to complete but don't necessarily lead to organizational growth.
For instance, if you work in customer service, a value-added task would be solving a customer's issue. A non-value-added task would be completing the administrative work associated with logging that customer complaint and following up with them.
With that said, it’s important to note that all jobs will have some element of both value-added and non-value-added tasks. The goal is always to minimize the amount of time spent on non-value-added tasks so employees can focus on higher-level goals that help the company succeed. This is where artificial intelligence comes in.
Organizations can use AI technology to automate many of the non-value-added tasks that employees are currently bogged down with. This will free up their time so they can focus on more important tasks that will help the company grow. In order to make this happen, however, organizational change management tactics need to be put in place. Without them, the people in charge of overseeing the new AI functionalities will not be fully bought in, hindering the organizations from truly maximizing their growth potential.
By following these tips, businesses can set themselves up for success when it comes to implementing AI technology. Here are some organizational change management tactics to help you manage the digital transformation in your business:
Employees should be properly trained on organizational change management tactics in place, they will be able to manage the change and reap the benefits that come with it.
Employees will be more receptive to change if they understand how it will benefit them. When communicating the benefits of artificial intelligence, be clear about what the technology can do and how it will make their jobs easier.
Managing change is essentially managing expectations. Be upfront about what the technology can and cannot do. Over-promising and under-delivering is a recipe for disaster.
In order for a change to be successful, you need buy-in from key stakeholders. This means getting everyone on board with the plan and ensuring that they are committed to making the change.
A plan is essential for any organizational change. This plan should include a timeline, milestones, and tasks that need to be completed. Without a plan, it will be difficult to track progress and ensure that the change is successful.
There will inevitably be setbacks when implementing any new technology. The important thing is to not get discouraged and to learn from these setbacks. By being prepared for them, you can minimize the impact they have on the success of the overall change.
The organizational change management process is essential for any business looking to implement artificial intelligence technology. Properly communicating the benefits of AI, managing expectations, and getting buy-in from key stakeholders are all critical components of a successful change management strategy. Additionally, creating a detailed plan and being prepared for setbacks will help ensure a smooth transition to using AI in your business. Implementing these organizational change management tactics will help you successfully manage the digital transformation in your business caused by integrating artificial intelligence.
By following these organizational change management tips, businesses can set themselves up for success when it comes to implementing artificial intelligence technology. With the proper training and communication in place, employees will be able to manage the change and reap the benefits that come with it. By being upfront about what the technology can and cannot do, businesses can avoid over-promising and under-delivering, which is a recipe for disaster. Implementing these organizational change management tactics will help you successfully manage the digital transformation in your business caused by integrating artificial intelligence.
If you have questions on how to best manage change in your organization, whether it’d be for artificial intelligence or a larger digital transformation, please feel free to reach out to us. Our team of change management experts can help steer you in the right direction.