Fin de la vida útil de Microsoft Great Plains en 2025 - Todo lo que necesitas saber

En muchos sentidos, un sistema ERP actúa como una entidad viva que respira dentro de una organización. Estos sistemas requieren un cierto nivel de atención para funcionar con éxito, incluso después de completada la implementación. Aunque muchos consideran que el software ERP es una inversión que merece la pena, no es, ni mucho menos, una solución inmortal. En algún momento, los sistemas obsoletos se convierten en una molestia y deben ser reemplazados, dejando a los proveedores de ERP la opción de seguir apoyando los productos heredados o establecer un plan de "fin de vida" con la esperanza de iniciar la transición de los clientes a la última versión. Cuando llega el momento, muchas empresas están preparadas para el siguiente capítulo. Para otras, la transición puede parecer un sorpresivo desalojo. Recientemente, Microsoft anunció que dejaría de dar soporte a Dynamics Great Plains en 2025. El propio sistema Great Plains es considerado como un gigante en la industria y ha proporcionado una solución ERP y de contabilidad confiable durante décadas. Esta noticia sembró la incertidumbre en muchas pequeñas y medianas empresas. En un esfuerzo por ayudar a las organizaciones a desentrañar este último anuncio de Microsoft, vamos a sumergirnos en la historia de GP, el significado de este anuncio de fin de vida para Microsoft y cómo los clientes actuales de GP pueden plantear su futuro en ERP.
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2025年淘汰Microsoft Great Plains——你所需要知悉的一切

在许多方面,ERP系统在组织中充当着一个充满活力的实体。这些系统需要一定程度的关注才能成功运行,即使在实现完成之后也是如此。虽然许多人认为ERP软件是值得投资的,但它绝不是一个长久的解决方案。在某种程度上,过时的系统变得难以维系,必须更换,这让ERP供应商选择继续支持遗留产品,或者建立一个“淘汰”计划,希望客户过渡到最新版本。当时机到来时,许多企业都准备步入下一个篇章。而对于其他企业来说,过渡就像是一场突如其来的驱逐。最近,微软宣布,他们将在2025年前停止对Dynamics Great Plains的支持。Great Plains系统被认为是行业中的巨头,几十年来一直提供可靠的ERP和会计解决方案。这则消息让许多中小型企业感到疑惑不解。为了帮助企业解读微软的这一则最新公告,让我们深入了解GP的历史,这一“淘汰”公告对微软来说意味着什么,以及当前GP客户如何在ERP中把握他们的未来。
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Das Ende von Microsoft Great Plains im Jahr 2025 - Worüber Sie Bescheid wissen sollten

ERP-System sind in vielerlei Hinsicht lebende, atmende Einheiten im Unternehmen. Diese Systeme erfordern ein gewisses Maß an Aufmerksamkeit, damit sie - auch nach der Implementierung - erfolgreich eingesetzt werden können. Obwohl ERP-Software von vielen als eine gute Investition angesehen wird, ist sie keine langfristige Lösung. Irgendwann werden veraltete Systeme obsolet und müssen ersetzt werden. Die ERP-Anbieter haben dann die Wahl zwischen der Fortsetzung des Supports für die alten Produkte oder der Erstellung eines "End-of-Life"-Plans in der Hoffnung, dass die Kunden auf die neueste Version umsteigen.
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5 étapes pour consolider votre stratégie de transformation digitale

La transformation digitale est une tâche intimidante pour toute organisation, et il peut sembler impossible de faire bouger les choses sans une stratégie solide. Vous pouvez également investir énormément de temps, d'argent et d'énergie, pour finalement vous retrouver avec un échec de la transformation digitale. Qu'il s'agisse de transformations digitales à petite échelle, comme la […]
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ERP Software New Frontiers: The Cannabis Industry

Since California legalized medical marijuana in 1996 and Colorado and Washington legalized recreational use in 2012, the legal cannabis industry has taken root across the US. Cannabis is now legal in Canada as well. As we near marking a decade of recreational cannabis legalization, it’s clear that the cannabis industry is no longer in its […]
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Renewable Energy is at the Forefront of ERP and Digital Transformation

Renewable energy is the fastest-growing energy sector in the United States and is often associated with innovative science and technological breakthroughs. However, when we take a look at some of the technology that’s currently in use across the sector, it’s a bit of a different story. From established legacy software to energy-sector niche business needs, […]
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End-of-Life Microsoft Great Plains in 2025 – Everything you Need to Know

In many ways, an ERP system acts as a living, breathing entity within an organization. These systems require a certain level of attention to function successfully, even after implementation is complete. While many consider ERP software to be a worthwhile investment, it is, by no means, an immortal solution. At some point, aging systems become […]
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5 steps to solidify your digital transformation strategy

Digital transformation is a daunting task for any organization, and it can seem impossible to get things rolling without a solid strategy. You can also invest a tremendous amount of time, money, and energy, only to end up with a digital transformation failure. From digital transformations on small scale, like website upgrades and eCommerce deployments, […]
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The Dark Side of Customization in ERP Cloud

Once upon a time, companies only had the option to host their digital software elements on their own server. The on-premise software was the only option, leading companies to host ERP, CRM, HCM, and WMS systems on their own servers. The great thing about this was the level at which each component within the corresponding […]
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Independent Review of Sage X3

Sage is a software vendor that has been around for quite some time, and they have always been focused on providing ERP solutions for small to mid-sized organizations, specifically in the manufacturing and distribution space. With three trustable software solutions in the market, Sage has been able to simplify the functionalities that many of the […]
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Why an Independent ERP Partner is Key to Transformation Success

Any digital transformation is a major undertaking for organizations both large and small, which is why establishing a support structure is so important. It is often tempting to try to limit the cost of a transformation by handling the project internally. When I get calls for assistance months later cost is often already out of […]
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Private Equity: The Invisible Force in ERP Selection and Implementation

Managing the balance between reward and risk during a digital transformation is a serious responsibility requiring a clear strategic plan, vision and objectives - especially when the transformation has an ERP implementation at its heart. This is achieved by identifying and addressing any misalignments in the highest executive levels of an organization. CEOs, CFOs, and […]
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