Time to Rethink Our Approach: Moving Beyond "Digital Transformation" and "Digital Strategy

In recent years, the business world has been abuzz with terms like "digital transformation" and "digital strategy." These concepts, once groundbreaking, have saturated corporate dialogues to the point of becoming clichés. However, it's time we move beyond these buzzwords and rethink our approach to integrating digital technology into business. Here's why and how.
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The Unseen Risk of Project Stakeholder Turnover in Digital Transformation

In the fast-paced world of digital evolution, successful transformation goes beyond the mere adoption of new technology. It's about people - the stakeholders driving the change. As businesses pivot to innovative digital strategies, they're discovering that alignment among these stakeholders is paramount, not just a complementary aspect. However, a frequently overlooked risk looms large: stakeholder turnover. This can shake the very foundation of projects, jeopardizing the established rhythm and vision. From understanding the different stakeholders to recognizing the importance of alignment and its potential disruptors, our deep dive unveils the intricacies of managing this delicate balance in the complex dance of digital transformation. Discover why, in project management, alignment isn't just harmony—it's the music itself.
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How to Find the Best ERP Software Experts for Your Digital Transformation

During a digital transformation process and ERP implementation, it is inevitable that external third-party support will be required. However, selecting the best ERP experts to guide you through this process can be challenging. While many ERP specialists excel in their field, some may exhibit bias, prioritizing the deployment of technology over aligning with your specific business objectives. This discussion aims to address the factors you should consider and evaluate when choosing potential third-party ERP experts.
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What is Lean Six Sigma? [And What It Means For Digital Transformation]

Two decades ago, Lean Six Sigma was prevalent. Many organizations, especially those in the manufacturing sector, prioritized Lean Six Sigma. It was essential to employ staff that would adhere to Six Sigma methodologies. However, over the years, the prominence of Six Sigma has diminished as new buzzwords and trends have emerged, overshadowing its significance. This article will address two primary topics: first, the definition of Lean Six Sigma, and secondly, how Lean Six Sigma can enhance the effectiveness of a digital transformation.
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¿Su transformación digital implicará un ERP o un 'best of breed'?

Abundan los artículos sobre el fracaso del ERP y muchos ofrecen consejos útiles para evitarlo. Elegir el equipo adecuado, redactar un buen pliego de condiciones y realizar las pruebas adecuadas antes de la puesta en marcha son algunas de las muchas cosas que se comentan. Pero este artículo considera algo ligeramente diferente, y es que el proceso de selección del sistema puede dar lugar a que se elija el tipo de sistema equivocado. Es cierto que hay pocos sistemas realmente malos, pero no todos son adecuados para todas las empresas y, aunque una empresa no seleccione uno malo, a
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Lesson Learned from Southwest Airline's Epic IT Implosion

The incident taught the airline industry an important lesson - that having a comprehensive IT system is key to running a successful business. By investing in the right technology, companies can ensure more reliable service and fewer disruptions. In addition, Southwest Airlines learned the hard way that they must be wary of their reliance on third-party vendors and have more stringent risk management practices, audits, and business operation evaluations.
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Say it With Me: Software is NOT the Solution

One of the main misconceptions we see is that software is the solution. This is not the case. In fact, the software is often a bandaid to a much deeper issue. Stakeholders without understanding how their business works will often look to software as the solution to all of their problems. The reality is that software can only automate what already exists.
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What is Shadow IT?

Shadow IT refers to the use of digital devices and services that have not been formally approved by a company’s IT department. This can include using personal accounts for cloud workloads, purchasing unauthorized SaaS applications, using productivity apps, leveraging public cloud services, and using communication platforms for work-related communication.
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5 Reasons Why Moms Make the Best Project Managers

Moms have a lot of experience managing their time, tasks, and priorities. They are also good at communication, conflict management, and agile. If you're looking for a project manager, look no further than your nearest mother!
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What the Avengers Taught Us About Digital Transformation

Like the Avengers, digital transformation is a team effort. It requires a variety of different skills and personalities working together towards a common goal. While the Avengers may seem like an unlikely source of inspiration for the business, they can teach us a lot about what it takes to be successful at digital transformation.
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The Importance of Meeting Management in Digital Transformation

As digital transformation increasingly becomes the norm for businesses, the importance of meeting management also grows. Many organizations are looking to adopt new technologies and processes to improve their efficiency and effectiveness, but in doing so they often overlook the role that meetings play in driving these changes. There are a lot of stakeholders involved […]
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The "Terminator Effect" - The Human Side of Artificial Intelligence

In recent years, we have seen rapid advancements in fields such as artificial intelligence (AI), predictive analytics, and machine learning. While these technologies hold great promise for improving our lives and making organizations more efficient, we must not forget that they are ultimately designed and operated by humans. What is the "Terminator Effect" The Terminator […]
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Kyler Cheatham
Kyler Cheatham is a digital artist and innovator who is always thinking of new ways to improve the world around her. As the Global Marketing Director at Third Stage Consulting, she uses her creativity and tech-savvyness to help businesses reach their target audiences. Kyler is also a thought leader in the digital marketing space, and she loves sharing her knowledge with others. She is also a mother of two young children, which has given her a unique perspective on balancing work and family life.

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