2023 Digital Transformation Report

July 15, 2022
In this report, we share insights gained from our annual research on technology trends and digital transformation. We explore the top 2023 ERP systems and industry developments that will help you prepare for success, as well transformation leadership strategies and global supply chain management tactics for success.
Will Smith

This is the test biographical info.

Thought Leadership

5 Reasons Big Consulting Firms Are Failing in ERP & Digital Transformation (And What to Do Instead)
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For decades, big consulting firms like PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Deloitte, Accenture, KPMG, and Capgemini have dominated the ERP consulting and digital transformation space. Their extensive networks, vendor partnerships, and reputation made them the default choice for organizations embarking on ERP implementations. But that era is coming to an end. As businesses demand unbiased ERP consulting, cost-effective […]
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Is Odoo the Right ERP for Your Business? 6 Pros, 4 Cons, and Considerations
Odoo is one of the fastest-growing ERP systems in the market today, but many businesses still haven’t heard of it. As a flexible and modular ERP platform, Odoo has gained traction among small and mid-sized businesses looking for an affordable and customizable solution. However, like any ERP system, it comes with both strengths and weaknesses. […]
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The Complexities of Government Digital Transformation: 6 Challenges and Risks
Government digital transformation comes with a massive challenge—moving from highly customized, disconnected systems to a single, standardized platform. Unlike businesses that have the flexibility to adopt new technology quickly, government agencies must work within strict regulations, security requirements, and complex governance structures. This makes large-scale IT transformations not just a technical hurdle but an organizational […]
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The Evolution of Custom Development: Is It Really Overrated?
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In the ever-evolving world of enterprise technology, the debate around custom development (custom Dev) remains a hot topic. Some argue that it is overrated and only necessary in a small number of cases due to its high costs, ongoing maintenance, and the challenge of future-proofing. Others, however, believe that custom Dev is essential for organizations […]
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